Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Reflection of Photography Task

Planning Process

We began to prepare our initial images by discussing the planning process. We did this by sharing and discussing ideas throughout my groups, that would be suitable for this task. We started by stating our themes, we decided we would use the contrasting themes of Nature and Automotive because I feel these two themes will provide a range of different pictures. We then thought of initial concepts and began to sketch them out to get a rough version of the image we wanted. We also labelled the pictures detailed which type of photo technique we would use e.g. wide angle, perspective, establishing. Once we had finished planning our images we actually went out to reproduce the pictures using our plans.

After deciding on our themes, we all decided to do 4 of our own images based on our themes. To help plan what shot we would do in each of our images, we did some sketches of what we would like to achieve. After sketching some images of what we would like to do, in a group we chose the best 4 from each person, making 12 in total.

Final Images

I was really happy with my images because I used most of the techniques available and used them successfully. I feel the images I produced were of good quality and showed off many camera techniques. From our images we included the aerial shot, the low angle shot, the high angled shot, the tilted shot, the establishing shot, the zoomed shot, the wide shot, the over the shoulder shot, and the long shot. Although most of my pictures were effective, a few were not as good as the others.

Rules of Photography

Trying to keep the the rules of photography proved quite successful because although it was tempting at times just to point and shoot, the rules helped provide a better standard of photography. I felt using the rules e.g. angles, composition, helped make the pictures appear more professional and more suitable for the task. Taking photos at an angle made gave them more personality rather than a bog standard flat image because they contain more character.

Would I Change Anything

From my photography task,
I would change my nature theme because the shots we took, didn't stand out much and there is only so much you can do with the nature theme. I would of chosen a theme that linked well with my other theme of Automotive, possibly colour. I could link Colour with Automotive by expressing themes, feelings and moods through car colours. I think these two themes would compliment each other and would mix together well.

Favourite Image

My favourite picture from the set, is an image of a car. The picture is taken from a low and wide angle to fit all of the car in. I feel this picture is the most effective because it tells its own story and contains personality due to its wide and low camera angle. The light also shows the curves and the clean lines of the car. The angle also makes the car look more aggressive and mean, this is the look I planned for.

Least Favourite Image

My least favourite image from the set is the image of a car when the boot and doors are open. The image only contained part of the car because the camera was too close to the car and could not fit the whole of the car in. I felt this made the picture feel cramped and rushed because no rules of photography were used and the picture didn't really tell a story or contain much character, which is what a photo should do.


We received numerous feedback after presenting our photos to the class. Most of the comments received were praising our efforts, however, we were made aware of our lack of depth of field shots. Overall, our photography task was liked.

What I Have Learnt

I feel this task has widened my photography knowledge. For example, I have learnt about the rules of photography, various photography techniques. Also I feel I have became more confident using a camera and hopefully this will improve my coursework.