Monday, April 26, 2010

Research - Questionnaire

Audience Research – Questionnaire

I am going to create a questionnaire to find out what 20 people would like to see in a crime film. At the end after looking at the results, I hope to ascertain audience pleasures and find out the ideal target audience.

Question 1

As you can see from the results, out of the 20 people I asked, most prefer crime films. This is good because obviously our film is going to be a crime film.

Question 2

After asking a group of people, the most common age group is 16-20. This is good because our target age is around the teenage years.

Question 3

What is your most preffered setting?

I also asked what would be their most preferred setting; the most chosen was dull and gloomy, then big city and finally small town. Sunny and exotic was not chosen at al

l, I feel this is because it is not a common characteristic in crime films. I feel the other 3 are all common stereotypes of the crime genre. Due to dull and gloomy being the most chosen, I am going to incorporate elements into my film intro.

Question 4

What is your favourite sub genre of crime?

After asking what is their favourite type of crime film, the most common was thriller, then gangster and finally detective. Film noir was not chosen by anyone, I feel this is because most young people have not heard of this genre and it does not sound as “exciting” as the others. Due to the thriller genre being the most chosen answer, my crime film intro is going to be of the thriller genre.

Overall, I feel this questionnaire has helped me find what the audience likes and the target audience and I feel this information will help make my film intro to the highest standard of quality possible.

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