Monday, April 26, 2010

Research - Questions

Media Studies Questions

What is the purpose of the opening to a film?
The purpose of the opening to a film is to provide a glimpse of the film ahead and to draw the viewers in. They are made to be very ambiguous, giving away very little about the main plot. The opening should create tension and leave viewers wanting to find out more. The purpose of an opening to a film is to establish the mood and visual character of a film, to introduce the viewers to all or some of the following: Characters, Location, Narrative/Plot, Themes, Visual style, Genre..

What techniques can a director use to create suspense on a film?
A director can create suspense by using a variety of techniques, such as, camera techniques. Different camera methods are used in films to add suspense by quickly changing camera angle or by using effects such as POV recording. Other techniques include sound effects such as heavy breathing and background noises. To create emotion (in the form of fear, laughter, surprise, sadness, anger, boredom, etc...) is a director’s ultimate goal of each scene. The first consideration of where to place the camera should involve knowing what emotion you want the audience to experience at that particular time. The directors can control the power of that emotion by placing the camera close or far away from

How do you think a crime film is defined?
A crime film, in the most general sense, is a film that involves various aspects crime and the criminal justice system. ... I believe that a crime film could defined by a number of things. For example, I believe crime films are commonly set in dark and gloomy cities, e.g. New York, London. The characters are usually dressed smart in suits and expensive clothing. Everything revolves around money. The audience should get an impression that what they are watching is uncivilised; this would therefore class the film as a crime.

What films can you think of that would fit into the crime genre?
The Godfather, Goodfellas, Pulp Fiction, Scarface.. etc. The thriller genre can be divided into sub-genres – what different types of thriller films do you think exist? Under the genre of thriller, there is a variety of sub-genres such as. Action Thriller, Crime Thriller, Spy Thriller, Science Fiction Thriller, Drama Thriller.

What are the characteristics or conventions of a crime film?
One of the conventions of a crime film is that the characters often have no respect for law enforcement and a total lack of empathy for people outside/and sometimes inside their own social circle. The films are often narrated by one of the gangster characters themselves which provides a more personal feel to the movie. The main character often has a downfall in his gangster life and then a rise back to the top, or characters can realize the error of their ways and become a law-abiding citizen.

What do you think is the audience’s pleasure of a crime film?
I believe the audience takes pleasure in the actual crime committed and the way it is so surreal from the real world. I think they take pleasure by viewing acts being committed that are not legal or morally accepted in the real world. It allows viewers to get away from their boring everyday life and take a glimpse into an alternate way of living, full of excitement and danger.

What do you think are the differences between a horror and a thriller film?
There are many differences between a horror and a thriller film, the main one being that a horror film is made to scare and create a feeling of fear, horror and terror from viewers. Their plots frequently involve themes of death, the supernatural or mental illness. Many horror movies also include a central villain much like thriller films often do. Unlike thriller movies, which are made to provide a feeling of thrill and excitement. Thrillers are characterized by fast pacing, frequent action, and resourceful heroes who must ruin the plans of more powerful and better equipped villains. Using the internet, research the ‘top 50 thriller films’.

Look at the top twenty – which ones have you watched? If it is not many, why do you think this is the case?
After looking at the top 50, I have only seen 4 of the films. I believe this is because most of the films on the list are old, and obviously the younger generation like me, would not have seen this. This could mean that nowadays thriller films are not up to the same standards that were in place in the past and that the quality of modern cinema is falling.

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