Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Planning - Storyboard


Shot Number: 1
Type of Shot: Over the Shoulder Shot
Description of Shot:
Fade In
The Shot shows a man entering a lift
The camera will always stay behind the man and will never reveal his face

Shot Number: 2
Type of Shot: CCTV Style Shot/ High Angled Shot
Description of Shot:
Shot Angled above head to represen
t a CCTV camera in corner of lift
The camera will always stay behind the man and will never reveal his face
The shot will be filmed in black and white, with the frames per minute reduced. Also at the bottom of this shot there will be the date and time. This will portray CCTV footage.

Shot Number: 3
Type of Shot: Low Angled Shot
Description of Shot:
Fade In
The shot shows the lift doors open and the man will exit
The camera will then pan up his body to his neck, therefore his face and identity is never revealed, keeping the audience in suspense
Fade Out

Shot Number: 4
Type of Shot:
Description of Shot:
Slow Motion
This unstable shot will show lights fly through the screen
This will help break up the clips and create tension as well as suspense for the audience.
Fade Out

Shot Number: 5
Type of Shot: Point of View Shot/ Through the Eyes Shot
Description of Shot:
Point of view shot from the eyes of the mysterious man
This shot will show the audience where this man is and what he is seeing.
It will give the audience an insight into this man, and will make the audience feel like there playing a part in the film.

Shot Number: 6
Type of Shot: Low Angled Shot/
Description of Shot:
Shows the man walking through a door and down stairs
The man will stay in shot up to his neck, therefore his face and identity is never revealed, keeping the audience in suspense

Shot Number: 7
Type of Shot: Low Angled shot/ Close-up Shot
Description of Shot:
Short and snappy Clip
Shows the man walking down stairs
The man will stay in shot up to his neck, therefore his face and identity is never revealed, keeping the audience in suspense

Shot Number: 8
Type of Shot: CCTV Styled Shot
Description of Shot:
Shot Angled above head to represent a CCTV camera
The shot will be filmed in black and white, with the frames per minute reduced. Also at the bottom of this shot there will be the date and time. This will portray CCTV footage.
The Quality of the clip will be reduced so that the mans face can not be made out and seen, therefore his identity is never revealed, keeping the audience in suspense

Shot Number: 9
Type of Shot: Point of View Shot/ Through the Eyes Shot
Description of Shot:
Point of view shot from the eyes of the mysterious man walking down stairs
This shot will show the audience where this man is and what he is seeing.
It will give the audience an insight into this man, and will make the audience feel like there playing a part in the film.

Shot Number: 10
Type of Shot: Aerial Shot/ High Angled Shot
Description of Shot:
Aerial shot of the man walking down the stairs and across the screen
The camera will be fixed in this position
Therefore the mans face and identity is never revealed, keeping the audience in suspense

Shot Number: 11
Type of Shot: Long Shot/ Wide Shot
Description of Shot:
Dolly shot slowing panning closer to the man as he walks across the screen.
Tracking onto the mans face so it fills the screen. But as the man turns his head towards the camera the shot ends. Therefore the mans face and identity is never revealed, keeping the audience in even more suspense.
Fade Out

Shot Number: 12
Type of Shot: Point of View Shot/ Through the Eyes Shot
Description of Shot:
Point of view shot from the eyes of the mysterious man walking across the car park
This shot will show the audience where this man is and what he is seeing.
It will give the audience an insight into this man, and will make the audience feel like there playing a part in the film.

Shot Number: 13
Type of Shot: Medium Low Angle
Description of Shot:
Shows the man walking towards the camera
Because he is walking towards the camera which is also zooming onto him to fill the screen, his face and identity is never revealed, keeping the audience in suspense

Shot Number: 14
Type of Shot: Medium High-Angle
Description of Shot:
This unstable shot will show lights fly through the screen
Showing the audience at what speed this man is walking/running
This will help break up the clips and create tension as well as suspense for the audience.

Shot Number: 15
Type of Shot: Point of View Shot/ Through the Eyes Shot
Description of Shot:
Point of view shot from the eyes of the mysterious man acting scared and hiding behind a pillar. The man will be breathing heavily so the camera will be panning up and down to represent heavy breathing.
This shot will show the audience where this man is and what he is seeing.
It will give the audience an insight into this man, and will make the audience feel like there playing a part in the film.

Shot Number: 16
Type of Shot: Low angled Shot
Description of Shot:
Short and snappy Clip
Shows the man getting spooked by something and running away
He will run towards the camera that is low on the ground

Shot Number: 17
Type of Shot: High Angled Shot
Description of Shot:
Short and snappy Clip
Shows the man getting spooked by something and running across the screen
Camera is in fixed position
The speed of the man makes it so his face cannot be seen and therefore his face and identity is never revealed, keeping the audience in suspense

Shot Number: 18
Type of Shot: Close Up Shot/ Master Shot/ Low angle
Description of Shot:
Fade In and Slow-motion
Close up of the mans arm crashing to the floor, Making the audience question what has just happened. Therefore building the suspense and tension. This will make the audience want to watch more.
Fade Out

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